Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I have an Opinion

Our objectives:

· To learn how to express opinions
· To support given opinions with reasons and/or arguments

a)List down three reasons why King Louis should remain in the Bastille Prison .

b)List down three reasons why King Louis should not remain in the Bastille Prison.

c) In the end, I think King Louis ...


  1. "Angels",
    please attempt the given questions and I look forward to reading your responses.

  2. a) He is not good to rule the country.
    He should try to feel how Philippe felt these few years.

    b)D'artagnan knows that that is King Louis and not Phillipe who is called Marchali in the Bastille...

    c)In the end, I think King Louis should remain in the Bastille and let Philippe, who is wiser and purer heart , to rule the country..

  3. a)i think King Louis should remain in the Bastille, it serves him right and he is not suitable for the throne.

    b)Captain D'artagnan might find out in the end, and he is the only one who is able to tell the twin brothers apart.

    c)In the end, I think Louis should remain in the Bastille, whilst Philippe take his brother's place as king, as he is so much kind-hearted and nobler than King Louis will ever be.

  4. hi, Ms Teng, in case you didn't notice, "tshg"
    is me.I posted my comment.

    thng ai wei

  5. okok...thanks for such efficiency ladies....
    and... thank you for identifying yourselves. at least i know who's this tshq. however... can that elegant princess please identify... WHO ARE YOU my dear???

  6. a)Louis is too proud for the throne and must learn how to be humble in the bastille.
    b)If other countries knows that France's king is in prison, they would conquer France.
    c)In the end,I think that France should have 2 kings:Louis and Philippe.

    from :zhijian

  7. a) i think that he should reflect on how he was during the time when he was the king.
    b)the people find out sooner or later if phillipe does a mistake
    c) i think they should work TOGETHER and mahe a great team


  8. I think King Louis should remain in the Bastille as:
    1.He should stay in the Bastille and not become a spoilt brat.
    2.He should know how Phillipe felt when he was there.
    3.He has to learn to be kinder and not to be selfish
    (c) In the end, I think if the two twins work together to rule France,it will be much better!

    PS: theelegantprincess is yuki ling.

  9. a)Louis is too proud that he left his village people to die of starvation and only used the money to hold balls and parties just only to enjoy himself. He should stay in Bastille until he learnt to be humble and caring for France's people.

    b)If Louis stays in prison, D'artagnan would find out and instead, put Phillipe back into jail and France would eventually have a selfish and awful King.

    c)In the end, I think Louis should be kept in Bastille wearing the iron mask. Philippe should take the throne and be the BEST king France ever had!!

  10. And by the way, Pokevic ( pokemonvic ) Is MEEEEE!!!

    Vic :D

  11. Ermmm ... Everybody actually you can click on your name and edit your profile ... in the display name... buy your username will still be the same.. it would be great if you can change it so we know who is who... thanks!

  12. a)1)I think King Louis is a selfish person.
    2He is also arrogant.
    3)He only think about himself but did not think about how others felt.

    b)1)Sooner or later,other people will find out that he is the real king.
    2)D'artangan know who is the real king and who is not the real king.
    3)Someone will find him there and help him out.

    c)I think King Louis should Philippe rule France,who is more noble

  13. Yes, I do agree with Jiaying. If not, you can always do like what the others did, identify yourself by signing off . That certainly helps. Thanks once again for the responses.
    p/s (Thanks Celeste, at least i know now who's the princess. :))
    - Miss Des

  14. a)1) King Louis is arrogant and selfish
    2) King Louis likes to put people in Bastille
    3) king Louis needs to get used to different environments

    b)1) Philippe is noble and has a purer heart than his brother.
    2) His arrogant brother should not rule France
    3)He is entitled to the throne

    In the end, I think Philippe should rule France

    From Gerald

  15. a)He is arrogant.
    2)He did not had a pure heart.
    3)He is very selfish.

    b)D'artangan is the only one who know who is Plilippe and who is Louis.
    2)He will persuade the governor that he is the real king.

    c)I think king Louis will rule the France.

  16. a)He is selfish and mean.He may kill Philippe when he knows his identity.

    b)He knows how to rule France better.

    c)In the end,I think Philippe and Louis should work togetther to rule France.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. a) He is arrogant and selfish
    He does not have a pure heart

    b)He is much more kinder and nobler than his brother

    c) Louis and Philippe should work together and rule france

  20. Sorry Miss Teng!

    yioyatby is actually me Grace!


  21. Thank everybody for writing your name .... but who is lim??

  22. Ms Teng, I sent the opinion by asknlearn mail...

    I'm Keng Ann

  23. King Louis should not come out of the bastille because
    1)he is bossy
    2)he is selfish
    3)he only cares about himself
    King Louis should come out of the bastille because
    1)he gives people chances
    2)he forgives people
    3)he is still kind

  24. in the end,i think King Louis should NOT come out of the bastille

  25. a)He must feel how Philippe felt all these years and learnt to have a purer heart like Philippe.
    b)He did not broke the law.
    c)In the end,I think King Louis sgould give way to Philippe so thing will not get messed up.

  26. if u dont know who is 'hello' ,it is Sian Hui.

  27. I'm Renata if you are wondering who I'm.
    a)He is too selfish to be the King, he doesn't even know how to rule and he also can't take care of himself, so it's better for him NOT to be the King.
    b)He is not someone who did something really bad, he is a little kind but not as kind as Philppe and he sometimes listen to others advice before making a choice.
    c)In the end, I think King Louis does not deserve to be the King but to be someone ruled over.

  28. Lim is Lim Zi Hui!!!!!!!!!me!!!!

  29. ron said,
    a)He is not kind and all kings should rule with a kind heart.
    b)He is fierce enough to control France,and Philippe is too kind.if he is not as fierce as Louis,people of France would go haywire and they would start fighting each other.
    c)In the end,I think Louis would still remain as king of France. :)
