Thursday, September 17, 2009

Heritage Tour to Kampong Glam 170909

The objectives are:
-To understand and appreciate the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people
-To foster a sense of pride in the rich diversity of our heritage
-To share a common bond which will hold our society together as a people and as a nation

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I have an Opinion

Our objectives:

· To learn how to express opinions
· To support given opinions with reasons and/or arguments

a)List down three reasons why King Louis should remain in the Bastille Prison .

b)List down three reasons why King Louis should not remain in the Bastille Prison.

c) In the end, I think King Louis ...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Toast Master Activity 28 July 2009

The SGEM Week is a nationwide movement to encourage Singaporeans to speak grammatically correct English that is universally understood. It is to get Singaporeans to speak English with confidence at work, at home and at play and was launched in year 2000 by the former PM Goh Chok Tong.

The objective of our Toast Master Activity is to allow all pupils to give a presentation on a given topic.

It was indeed an enjoyable time as our class speakers gave off their best when they elaborated on the given topic. Fun! Fun! Fun!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Man in the Iron Mask

Our puppet show performance

Gypsy Parade

Welcome to our very own Fashion parade of the year!


Welcome all!
Let us stay CONNECTED in this special "WORLD" of ours. Do feel free to VOICE your views or to share any pictures you have. Just remember to be sensitive and kind to others' feelings in our words and actions. Have fun!

Des T